
Annual Meeting EEA Grants 2014-2021

An annual meeting shall be held between the FMC and the National Focal Point. The National Focal Point is responsible for organising the meeting and shall, when appropriate, arrange for site visits.

  • The annual meeting shall allow the FMC and the National Focal Point to examine progress achieved over the previous reporting periods and agree on any necessary measures to be taken. The annual meeting shall provide a forum for discussion of issues of bilateral interest.
  • Representatives of the Audit Authority, Certifying Authority, Programme Operators, programme partners, and members of the Joint Committee for Bilateral Funds, may be invited to attend the meeting.
  • Decisions taken at the annual meeting shall be set out in the agreed minutes. The National Focal Point is responsible for the drafting of the minutes from the meeting, summarising the main points and the action points discussed at the meeting and following the structure of the agenda. These minutes shall be decision oriented, follow-up oriented and task oriented.
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