EEA Grants 2014-2021
Υπουργείο Εθνικής Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών

«Κλείνοντας» την περίοδο 2014-2021

Privacy Policy

Through this website, the Ministry of Development and Investments can collect personal data of users / visitors. Personal information is considered to be those that can be used for the purpose of identification or communication with users / visitors, especially those collected through various Forms of Communication.

The user / visitor explicitly and unreservedly agrees to have the above information on the website, where required or requested. The Ministry of Development and Investments may use the personal information for informational purposes or to send e-mail or correspondence announcements / news to the registered user / visitor, unless the user does not wish to do so and expressly expresses this in communication with the Ministry of Development and Investments. The Ministry of Development and Investments does sale the personal data to third parties or users / visitors of this website. It does not transfer or publish the personal data of the users / visitors of the website to third parties, unless otherwise provided by law or if it is a contractual obligation necessary for the proper operation of the Website and the performance of its functions.

The Ministry of Development and Investment may process part or all of the data sent by users / visitors for statistical purposes to improve its services – information. The user / visitor can contact the administrator ( of the website, in order to cross-check the existence of the personal file, its correction, its change or deletion.
This website may collect non-personally identifiable information of users of the website, using appropriate technologies, such as cookies and / or tracking of Protocol addresses and the like, resulting from the communication of the browser with the web server.


Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of each user / visitor and do not take knowledge of any document or file from his computer, nor do they lead to the identification of his computer with any person. The user / visitor of this website can set his program for web browsing and browsing (web browser) in such a way that either warns him about the use of “cookies” in specific services or does not allow the acceptance of the use of cookies ” in any case. In case the user / visitor of the specific services and pages does not wish to use “cookies” for his / her identification, he / she may have limited access to some of the services, uses or functions provided by this website. The collection of all data that fall into the category of personal data received by the Ministry of Development and Investment through this website, which are either uploaded by users on a case-by-case basis or collected during the navigation – browsing and use of the website by users, carried out in accordance with Law 2472/1997 (as amended today) and Law 3471/2006 for the protection of personal data.

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