Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency

Less carbon intensive energy and increased security of supply

The programme involves implementing interventions in buildings to reduce CO2 emissions, decrease energy consumption, and increase energy production from renewable energy sources (RES). The projects have been carried out to demonstrate and increase the number of energy-efficient buildings and infrastructure in Greece. The programme supports innovative solutions for increasing RES production and energy efficiency in the country’s public social infrastructure. Some of the innovative technologies used include photovoltaic systems with net-metering technology, solar collectors for hot water production, geothermal and air source heat pumps, fan coils, external thermal insulation, LED lighting, solar canopies, and electric vehicle charging stations.

All these technologies renovate buildings, improve indoor environmental quality, and significantly increase energy efficiency, reducing electricity and fuel consumption. This not only saves annual building expenses but also helps reduce their environmental impact. These technologies are expected to serve as models for achieving sustainable development in the 13 local communities of the programme.


Programme objective
Less carbon intensive energy and increased security of supply
Programme areas
Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security
Programme Operator
Programme Grant
Programme co-financing
€ 3,977,689
File Description File size
pdf GR-Energy_Modified PA | Government Gazette Issue B/5671/27.09.2023 MD for Programme funding | Programme Implementation Agreement with Programme Agreement annexed (text in Greek)
249 KB
pdf Government Gazette_Issue B’ 974/21.03.2020 MD for Programme funding | Programme Implementation Agreement with Programme Agreement annexed (text in Greek)
686 KB
pdf GR-Energy Communication Plan 4 MB
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