Environmental Projects Contributing to Sustainable Development and Climate Change Mitigation: A Green Future for Greece
Environmental projects that contribute to sustainable development, biodiversity protection, and addressing the impacts of climate change are crucial steps toward a “green” future for our country.
Initiatives such as wetland restoration, upgrading water resource management systems, and safeguarding biodiversity in critical areas of Greece have been made possible thanks to the support of an “invisible donor” that has been contributing to the country for 30 years. At the heart of these efforts lies the EEA Grants funding mechanism, primarily supported by Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein, through which Greece has benefited from funding for numerous important projects.
The collaboration of the EEA Grants with leading organizations, such as the Goulandris Museum of Natural History and the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (EKBY), is key to the success of these projects and the promotion of sustainable practices that protect the environment and strengthen the resilience of ecosystems. While this collaboration may be unknown to the wider public, it serves as an excellent example of the positive impact that well-directed funding can have.
Read the full article, published on CNN Greece.