The Minister of Environment and Energy | Special Service “Executive Authority of the Partnership Agreement, Environmental Sector” has issued a call for proposals in the framework of the Small Grant Scheme, entitled “Increasing Knowledge on the importance of Good Status of Water Bodies” inviting the following categories of the potential Project Promoters:
Public authorities, regional and local authorities research, and scientific institutes as well as management bodies of protected areas and other management bodies and NGOs and specific the bodies falling under
General Government bodies
Legal Entities of Public Law
Local Government Bodies A and B degree.
Research Bodies under article 12, L.4386/2016
Higher Education Institutions
Research and Knowledge dissemination Organizations
Management bodies of Protected Areas
Other management bodies
Non Governmental Organizations
Other competent authorities
for the submission of projects’ proposals, in order to be approved and financed under the Programme.
The potential Project Promoter is encouraged to cooperate, in the context of the proposal to be submitted, with at least one partner from the Donor States or with domestic partners.
Proposal’s content
The aim of this call is to raise society’s awareness of the importance of improving water status.
The call will fund one (1) information campaign aimed at pupils, highlighting the pressures on water bodies and seeking to increase the understanding – on behalf of the student population – of the importance of improving the status of water bodies (development of educational digital material, teacher training, actions with pupils, etc.).
In addition, digital information material targeted at residents and bilingual digital promotional material for visitors to the target areas (as specified below) will be produced with directions, guidelines, and examples of good practices on water saving, protection, and sustainable use. In addition, as part of the most efficient dissemination of relevant messages, QR codes technology placed on entry gates and information points will be used.
The information campaign will be carried out on six (6) islands, where the GR02 Program ‘’INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF MARITIME AND INLAND WATER of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism, of the previous period 2009-2014 (EEA FM 2009-2014) was implemented and which islands are under intense pressure from tourism.
Call for Proposal’s Financial Data
The total co-financed public expenditure (Grant) for financing the projects in this call for proposals, through the Public Investment Programme (Code Ε7751) is €100,000 according to the proposed amendment of the Programme Agreement of the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021 and is allocated, indicatively, as follows (80% participation from EEA FM 2014-2021 and 20% from National Resources).
The proposals are submitted through the EEA MIS to the electronic address: on the day following the publication date of this call for proposals 29 November 2021 (start date for proposals submission), time 08:00’, until, exclusively, 31 March 2022 (proposals submission expiry date), time 23:59’.